Sally Face is a quest game with elements of detective and horror where you have to explore an old mansion and investigate a murder that happened here years ago. The main hero is a weird kid named Sally Fisher who instantly stands out among his friends because he has a white mask on his face. Why is he wearing it and what actually happened at the manor in the distant past – these are the questions you’ll have to answer playing the game!

Old mansion, lamenting ghosts and mysterious murders!

The first thing that will attract your attention when you start playing Sally Face is of course the boy that is in the center of events. He doesn’t only look strange (and not just because of his mask, but also because of his strange hair style and color) – he behaves in a rather bizarre way. Nevertheless, he is able to make some friends at a new place where he and his father move after some unknown tragic events in their home town. We don’t know what happened there, but after that Sally obviously got a paranormal ability – seeing ghosts and talking to them.

That can help him a lot in Investigating the mysterious murder everyone is talking about. Although it happened many years ago, Sally just can’t throw this story out of his mind. And after meeting a ghosts in the very mansion where the crime took place (and where he now lives), he decides that he needs to see the whole thing through. His friends will be helping him. There is a lot of exploration, object search and other exciting things for you do to!

Explore the map, look for objects and find out the truth!

Sally Face is split into five chapters. The first two are mostly introductory, so you can relax and just enjoy learning about the world of the game and getting to know the main character, his family and friends a little better. All of them are depicted as living and breathing people, with their own stories, advantages and faults, dreams and fears. It makes the game much more interesting compared to a bare plot line that we so often see in other games of the sort.

The whole gameplay is built as a typical quest. You have to visit various locations, explore every nook and cranny and find objects that you then will use in some way. In the process, you will find out more and more details about Sally and his surroundings, plunge into vibrant flashbacks and simply enjoy the incredible atmosphere of the game. This is more than just a horror story, it’s a piece of art! Play Sally Face online and see for yourself!

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