
We barely remember being kids. However, a child sees this world way different from us, adults. And it would be so interesting to look at it with the eyes of a toddler who is just knee-high. Well, at least for now…

When a kid grows up too fast, literally!

The main hero of this unusual game is a little boy who suddenly grows taller than everyone and everything else in the city. Out of the blue, his height increases multifold and he finds that all the trees and houses are now of the size of his own bicycle compared to him. This giant toddler will have to make his way through the city and explore the world anew. This is going to pose certain dangers for the dwellers of the city and its infrastructure. And there will be some unexpected plot twists. Without saying anything else, we’ll just recommend playing this game online and seeing the rest on your own! One last advice – avoid the word ‘future’ because it will make you grow even bigger!

Bigger Than Me

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